Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Texas Tales: {Weekend Recap} New House Progress & Family Fun!

This weekend was a really good one?and I'm glad for that, because things are about to get a whole lot of crazy up in here. Moving day is just three more days away!!! We'll be transporting the babies to our new "forever home" on Thursday, July 4, as well as most or all of our apartment belongings. Movers will bring the rest of our stuff from our two giant storage units the following week. It's everything I can do not to throw all the stuff in the pantry into a box, grab the babies and their mountain of supplies and haul it on over to our new place. Course, that's all easier said then done and since I need a small army to make it happen, I'm back to watching the clock run down the hours. Tick, tock...

Saturday morning, I spent a few hours out by myself getting a pedicure and running errands and I loved every minute. I actually really enjoy going to the grocery store and I really, really enjoy going to the grocery store by myself when I don't have strict time restraints that only allow 10 minutes to find and purchase a week's worth of food!

I finally had time to do a little meal planning and so when I got back home, I grilled a steak (on my stove-top grill pan on an electric stove...be impressed!) and made some mac & cheese and green beans for our lunch. The babies munched on the exact same thing, plus a few extra snacks, and really dug into the mac & cheese. The husband and I sat at the table and ate our lunch with them, something we've been doing more and more of lately. Family meal time will definitely be a big staple in our house?our new house!

I also whipped up five freezer meals that will make dinners a cinch after we get moved. The last thing I'll have the energy for is to think about and assemble dinner. I chose meals that I felt the babies would be able to eat as well, and that I could make easy side dishes to go with them like rice, steamed broccoli, salad and so on. I find a lot of my crock pot recipes and freezer meal ideas from the Six Sisters website.?

Sunday we lounged around all morning and implemented our new napping schedule. Instead of two naps at 10am and 2pm, the crew is only going down for one nap right after lunch (around noon). They've been fighting naps pretty hard and don't sleep very long, so I figured this may be the answer to our problems. We're still in the "test phase" so we'll see how it goes over the next few days!

After nap time and dosing everyone with Advil?two of the kiddos have had high fevers and two low-grade fevers as a result of their 12 month vaccines last week?we headed to Home Depot with the quads for the first time. They loved looking around at everything and I think they enjoyed sitting in their quad stroller versus their car seats that attach to the two twin stroller frames. We didn't attract a ridiculous amount of attention, a couple people tried to stop and talk but we just kept moving.

We loaded the babies through the back of the suburban since their car seats were still in place inside. Which meant, ladies and gents, that yours truly had to climb into the back seat like a spider monkey then turn and wrangle the babies over the seat as well and into their car seats. My level of flexibility is mildly impressive sometimes, even to me!!

While we'd been shopping inside, I'd fed the babies animal crackers and graham cookies, then did squeeze pouches of applesauce and a Plum Organics meal for their snack once we got back in the car. Worked out perfectly! They lulled off to sleep on our drive over to the new house so we could check on the progress and drop off a couple things. I was so happy to see the babies bedrooms painted and dry wall going up in the all the holes!

After we got back to the apartment, I made chicken fajitas for dinner, along with refried beans, Spanish rice and guacamole. The babies got their own dinner tray and the rice was a big hit! It also made a biiiiig mess. ;) Again, we sat at the table and ate our dinner as we fed the babies. Thankfully, they're getting better about eating fruits and have been wolfing down strawberries and blueberries.

To our complete happiness, once we put the kiddos down for bed not a single one made a peep and they all slept soundly through the night! The husband and I got to leisurely get ready for bed, watch a couple shows and still fell asleep by 10pm. A perfect weekend in my book, made only better by moving into our awesome new digs in just a few days time. Can't wait to share about our first weekend at the house!
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Source: http://bellsandkilts.blogspot.com/2013/07/weekend-recap-new-house-progress-family.html

black friday How long to cook a turkey green bean casserole green bean casserole recipe red dawn sweet potato pie sweet potato pie

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